Why do I need to buy insurance?

  • Protects your assets against attachment as a result of a court award.
  • Provides for cost of defense when you are sued.
  • Allows you to purchase such high value items as a car or a home by insuring the collateral on behalf of the financial institution that lent you the money.
  • Provides financial security for your family in the event of your death.
  • Provides for the health care of you and your family through systematic payments.
  • Allows you to save for retirement while deferring interest payments to a time when your income is lower, thus reducing your tax payments.
  • Allows you to remain financially solvent when you’re ill and can’t work.
  • What factors affect the insurance premiums I pay?
  • Claims activity including such costs as medical care, auto body repair, construction, legal defense, jury awards, claims adjustment, and insurance fraud.
  • Overhead including rent, utilities, employee salaries and benefits, office supplies, equipment, and furniture.
  • Investment income.

Why should I use an agent?

As a broker of insurance, John Williams Insurance Agency represents you-the customer. We shop from our selection of different insurance companies to locate the best combination of price and coverage for you! Then we continue to stand by you, shopping each renewal to make sure that your insurance coverage keeps pace with your changing life.


I've been in an accident - What Now?

Start by reporting your claim to your insurance carrier.

They need to know:

  • When the accident occurred
  • Where the accident occurred (be as specific as possible)
  • How the accident happened
  • What kind of vehicle or vehicles were involved (including the year, make, and model)
  • A description of the damage on each vehicle
  • The names and contact information of people involved in the accident
  • The extent of any injuries to people involved in the accident
  • The names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the accident
  • The name of the law enforcement agency that responded and the police
  • report number, if police were contacted

How does where I live affect my premium?

Where you keep your car directly affects your chances of having an accident or becoming a victim of theft or vandalism. The likelihood of encountering these problems increases in larger, more densely populated cities, while such incidents remain relatively low in rural areas.


Additionally, the time and efficiency of police response and law enforcement, local road and traffic conditions, and the quality of local medical services can affect regional insurance rates. Some insurers even factor in the litigation rates in a given area (how many lawsuits are filed, go to trial, out of court settlements, and their amounts).

Do all states require some kind of Liability insurance?

No. Although not every state requires Auto insurance, some have “financial responsibility” laws mandating all drivers to be able to pay for any damage or injury they might cause. However, Liability insurance is still the best way for you to meet your state’s financial responsibility requirements.

By law, all states offer UM and UIM policies, including no-fault states. In fact, some states require all motorists to carry this coverage in order to gain protection from inadequate insurance coverage of other drivers.

How do I keep my insurance company from canceling my policy?

Besides maintaining a clean driving record, consider investing in special safety and security features for your car. If you’ve been in an accident, consider taking a defensive driving course.

What happens when I loan my car to someone? Is that person covered by my policy? Am I still covered?

Yes. Liability and coverage for Physical Damage (i.e. Comprehensive and Collision) always follow your car. Plus, if the driver of your car is insured, his/her policy will also be available to cover the cost of damages and injuries.

The same rules apply when you borrow someone else’s vehicle; your own insurance follows you no matter whose car you’re driving. But the vehicle owner’s policy is the key coverage in the event of an accident.

Am I covered for natural disasters or “Acts of God”?

Comprehensive insurance, which covers you for fire and theft, generally covers you against damage by flood, earthquake, hail, and other natural perils, except when your car is overturned (which is technically considered a collision). If you have specific concerns about the safety of your vehicle in natural disasters, contact us for information on catastrophic coverage.

How can I challenge my insurers if they refuse to cover a claim?

Usually, insurers that refuse to cover a claim have a strong legal reason for doing so — even if you disagree. First, contact us if you feel you’re being treated unfairly. Your agent is your strongest advocate in insurance matters. But if it’s a legal problem, you might have to hire a lawyer.


I have damage to my property. What Now?

Call your insurance carrier and let them know:


  • When the incident occurred.
  • A general description of what happened.
  • The location of the damaged property and what was damaged.
  • The condition of the home and if it is still livable.
  • If temporary repairs are needed.
  • If the fire or police department was contacted, which department responded and any report number. Your contact information and the best time to reach you.

How does where I live affect my premium?

Where you keep your car directly affects your chances of having an accident or becoming a victim of theft or vandalism. The likelihood of encountering these problems increases in larger, more densely populated cities, while such incidents remain relatively low in rural areas.


Additionally, the time and efficiency of police response and law enforcement, local road and traffic conditions, and the quality of local medical services can affect regional insurance rates. Some insurers even factor in the litigation rates in a given area (how many lawsuits are filed, go to trial, out of court settlements, and their amounts).

What exactly does a Homeowners policy cover?

“Exact” coverage is impossible to define because there are different policies and about 900 insurance companies writing Property/Casualty business in the United States. However, 80% of Homeowners policies are based on a standard form. All Homeowners policies cover two important areas: Property and Liability.


Property insurance covers your structures and possessions. Personal Liability, as its name implies, means you’re legally obligated to pay money to another person for actions caused by you, your family, or your property. That liability extends to medical payments to others for injuries caused by you or your family.

Are floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters covered?

Most catastrophes are covered. Flood and earthquake damage, however, are not covered by a standard policy and both perils are more common than many people realize. We can advise you on such normally excluded conditions as floods and earthquakes.

Are there exclusions I should know about?

Exclusions listed and defined in your policy might include neglect, intentional loss, “earth movement,” general power failure, and even damage caused by war. If you fail to take care of your property (e.g., a leaky roof), you might not be covered. Obviously, if you intend to lose an object or damage your property, there’s no coverage.


One other exclusion that can be costly is the Ordinance or Law exclusion. Building codes established by governmental bodies that drive up the cost of rebuilding or repairing after a loss occurs might not be covered by your insurance policy. Thus, if you discover when replacing damaged property that current law demands higher grade or more expensive materials than those you’re replacing, the new materials might not be covered fully.

Do I need to protect my home from further damage?

Yes, once it is safe to do so, it is your responsibility to protect your property from future damage.


  • Arrange for reasonable temporary repairs such as boarding up broken windows, covering the roof, and removing debris.
  • Keep a list of any temporary repairs you make to document the damage, and make sure to save your receipts.
  • If possible, place damaged items in a secure area where they can be inspected. If you are unsure about an item, include it with the damaged property.
  • If you have fire or smoke damage, do not try to clean the damaged items. Sometimes cleaning things without the proper equipment can cause more damage.


How expensive is renters insurance?

Renters insurance is typically available for as little as $100 a year.

Does my landlord's insurance protect me?

Generally, no. The property owner’s insurance covers the building itself and seldom a tenant’s possessions or liability. Clarify this with your landlord before signing a lease.


I'm just getting my business started. Do I need insurance immediately?

Yes. Your chance of suffering a loss begins with the first day of business. If you suffer a loss and have no insurance or have improper or insufficient coverage, your insurance agent can do little, if anything, to help you.


Also, many states and local jurisdictions require businesses to have insurance to begin operating. And if you rent space for your business, your landlord probably requires you to obtain adequate insurance.

I don't have any major business assets. Why do I need insurance?

Every business has some property. When you think about it, your business is your property. Just like your home and your car, your business needs to be protected from loss, damage, and liability. In addition, your business is your source of income, so you need protection from the potential loss of that income.

Does insurance coverage vary for different businesses?

It can. Many small businesses opt for package policies that cover the major Property and Liability exposures as well as for a loss of income. A common package policy used by many small businesses is called the Business Owners Policy (BOP).
Generally, BOPs provide more complete coverage at a lower price than separate policies for each type of insurance needed. We can help you decide which policy or policies are right for your business. You can also purchase additional coverage for perils or conditions otherwise excluded (e.g., flood protection) as endorsements to a standard policy or as a separate, second policy called a Difference in Conditions (DIC) policy.
We can advise you of the best policy (or policies) to protect you and your business.

What does a business owners policy cover?

We offer policies that combine protection from all major property and liability risks in one package. (We also sell coverages separately.) One package purchased frequently by small and mid-sized businesses is the business owners policy (BOP). Package policies are created for businesses that generally face the same kind and degree of risk. Larger companies might purchase a commercial package policy or customize their policies to meet the special risks they face.

BOP’s include:

  • Property insurance for buildings and contents owned by the company. There are two different forms, standard and special, which provide more comprehensive coverage.
  • Business interruption insurance, which covers the loss of income resulting from a fire or other catastrophe that disrupts the operation of the business. It can also include the extra expense of operating out of a temporary location.
  • Liability protection, which covers your company’s legal responsibility for the harm it may cause to others. This harm is a result of things that you and your employees do or fail to do in your business operations that may cause bodily injury or property damage due to defective products, faulty installations, and errors in services provided.

Can I insure my home-based business?

Yes. One of the most critical and often neglected steps is buying proper home-based business insurance coverage.

Do I need business interruption insurance?

It’s wise to invest in this type of coverage. Business interruption insurance compensates you for lost income if your company has to vacate the premises due to disaster-related damage that is covered under your property insurance policy, such as a fire. Business interruption insurance covers the profits you would have earned, based on your financial records, had the disaster not occurred. The policy also covers operating expenses, like electricity, that continue even though business activities have come to a temporary halt.

What is employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)?

EPLI covers businesses against claims by workers that their legal rights as employees of the company have been violated. The number of lawsuits filed by employees against their employers has been rising. While most suits are filed against large corporations, no company, no matter how small, is immune to such lawsuits